Zamora Landscaping

Assist in landscape design
Implement design elements
Cleanup in spring to remove any
Cultivate shrubs and flower beds
Plant new annuals and perennials
Apply mulch or topsoil
Seed lawn or install sod
Fertilize lawn and plantings
Scheduled weed and pest control
Lawn maintenance
Bag leaves in fall as required
Winterize plants and shrubs
Keeping your landscape in peak condition all year long not only enhances your home's beauty and makes life easier to enjoy, but helps to maintain
your property's value.  We can offer a broad range of services to fit with your requirements:
Zamora Landscaping                    139 South Regent Street                    Port Chester, NY 10573                    Phone: 914  937 - 3038                    FAX: 914  937 - 3099
Zamora Landscaping offers a variety of plans that can be
customized to fit your particular situation.  Plans generally
include the following elements.