Zamora Landscaping
New driveways and private roads
Area expansion
Excavate and grade
Stone installation
Belgium block apron and curbing
Culvert installation
Seal coating
Resurfacing and crack repairs
Complete cleanup
Our services include installing new pavement for private driveways, new residential developments and parking lots. We also do pavement
repairs and patching, resurfacing, and as well as providing follow up protective seal coating and crack filling services. Our equipment is top of the
line and we stay abreast of new methods and technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our services.
Our good reputation is essential to our business, and we will do whatever is required to make sure it stays that way. We take pride in each job and
pay attention to the details allowing us to walk away from each finished job with a feeling of accomplishment.
Zamora Landscaping 139 South Regent Street Port Chester, NY 10573 Phone: 914 937 - 3038 FAX: 914 937 - 3099
Zamora Landscaping has experience in a wide variety of projects.